Tapu Fini GX - 39/147 - Burning Shadows

Condition: Near Mint
Sold out


[C] Aqua Ring: 20
You may switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

[W][W][C] Hydro Shot
Discard 2 [W] Energy from this Pokémon. This attack does 120 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

[W] Tapu Storm-GX
Shuffle your opponent’s Active Pokémon and all cards attached to it into their deck. If your opponent has no Benched Pokémon, this attack does nothing. (You can’t use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)

retreat: 1

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