 Received  Codes are in our possession
Processing We're validating the codes
Pending Payment is being prepared
Paid Payment has been sent or will be sent shortly
Hold Under Review
Inactive New codes that can not yet be verified

 This page is manually updated 

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email or post in the #help channel of our discord server.

*Please note: this is a public facing page. Not all statuses are yours. Please refer to the email we sent you with your submission number and then enter that number into the search bar below.


Submission # Status
#40013 Paid
#39965 Paid
#40020 Paid
#40021 Paid
#40022 Paid
#40023 Paid
#40024 Paid
#40025 Paid
#40026 Paid
#40027 Paid
#40028 Paid
#40029 Paid
#40030 Paid
#40031 Paid
#40032 Paid
#40033 Paid
#40034 Paid
#40035 Paid
#40036 Paid
#40037 Paid
#40038 Paid
#40039 Paid
#40040 Paid
#40043 Paid
#40041 Paid
#40042 Paid
#40044 Paid
#40045 Paid
#40046 Paid
#40047 Paid
#40048 Paid
#40049 Paid
#40050 Paid